Friday, January 13, 2012

Bienvenidos Welcome

Bienvenidos a Sabor a Tequila y Tango

Since we met for the first time, among other things, we found we had something else in common, our passion for cooking and to share our flavors with family and friends. Time to time we post food pictures on Facebook, Google+ and other Social Media sites, we really appreciate the nice comments but often they are accompanied by a request for the recipe or more information about a particular dish.

Desde que nos conocimos por primera vez, entre otras cosas, encontramos que teníamos algo más en común, nuestra pasión por la cocina y el compartir nuestros sabores con familiares y amigos. De vez en cuando publicamos fotos de comida en Facebook, Google+, y otros sitios de Social Media, realmente agradecemos los comentarios, pero a menudo vienen acompañados del pedido de la receta o más información sobre un plato en particular.

We both love to share and to learn through the process of exchanging ideas and experiences, so we decided to open this new corner on cyberspace where we will be posting recipes for many of the dishes we prepare at home, contributions from other family members and friends, restaurant and eateries reviews, books reviews, interviews and experiences, and the combined flavors of Mexico and Argentina.

A ambos nos gusta compartir y aprender a través del proceso de intercambiar ideas y experiencias, así que decidimos abrir este nuevo rincón en el ciberespacio donde vamos a publicar las recetas de los platos que preparamos en casa, contribuciones de familiares y amigos, reseñas de restaurantes y lugares para comer, críticas de libros, entrevistas y experiencias, y los sabores combinados de México y Argentina.

Thanks for your visit, hope you enjoy the blog.

Gracias por su visita y esperamos que les guste el blog.

Buen provecho !!
Lorena y Jorge


  1. OMG! I just gained *5* pounds from looking at the header! But it was worth it. ;D

  2. ;o) Get ready for when you come next month !!!!
    Jorge has a yummy gluten free bread he wants to make you !

  3. Oh my Lorena, I can't wait . . . my husband is thinking of doing a food blog!

  4. Thanks !!! ;o)
    It is going to be a great adventure !! ;o)

  5. Lorena! No sabes como te envidio! Tienes tiempo para tantas cosas! Y además lo haces bien!!!!
    Buena suerte en esta aventura!
    You are a lucky woman! Congratulations!

    1. Muchas gracias mi amiga !!!!
      Besos y lo mejor para este año para ti.
      LOVE your posts in your blog all the time !!!

  6. Ohhhh Lorena-this is a great blog! I can't cook for the life of me-my husband does all the cooking. Maybe.. just maybe I will be able to create a meal from one of you and your husband's recipes here and surprise him! : D

    1. ;o) Yes, you have to try ! Our recipes are going to be very simple. Home cooking style ;o).
      Kisses my friend and I can not wait to have your earrings here with me !!! ♥

  7. Lorena, if your recipes are as great as your jewelry, I will be visiting often. Besides, I really dig authentic recipes, not the watered-down junk you get on the Food Channel. Congrats! I've got my apron on and my fork and spoon ready!

    1. Thanks !!! ♥
      Welcome to our adventure and lets all get ready to cook very nice home meals !! ;o)

  8. Thanks !!! ;o)
    Stay tune my Sophia, you will see lots of Mexican recipes coming up.

  9. guauu que buena idea chicos!!! yo pido que las recetas también estén en español!!! porfis!!! unbeso grande para los dos y felicitaciones!!!

    1. Gracias Maria Lujan
      ahí a tu pedido voy a empezar a poner unas cuantas recetas bilingues :-)
